The Blessing of Gratitude.


"There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy." -Ralph H. Blum

In the past year I have read through the book "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. It has taught me so much about living a life filled with and characterized by thanksgiving. The book encourages its readers to keep a gratitude journal. There's no pressure to write a bunch of things you're thankful for every day or within a specific amount of time. The things you do write do not have to be deep and spiritual, they can be very simple. I started doing this in a lovely little journal that one of my private clients gave to me for Christmas. At any time there may be a simple joy - a loving moment - a warm feeling in my heart. I just take a few seconds to jot it down and allow the beauty of gratitude to sink in a little bit deeper into my perspective. I didn't realize, but this simple act - acknowledging gifts - was changing my life. Below are just a few of the blessings that this simple habit has brought about. 

5 Blessings of a Life of Gratitude:

1. Joy. When you are more aware of the things you have to be thankful for, you are able to keep a positive perspective. The burdens that life will inevitably hand me shift away from my focal point. They are replaced with an encouraged heart a joyful spirit. There is an ease that accompanies gratitude. It reminds me of the lightness that we carried with us as curious children learning about the world we are in and the people around us.

2. Hope. Because saying "thank you" allows for us to stay joyful and uplifted, we are not only able to be more present with our current blessings but also we can cultivate a greater hope for what is to come. Instead of facing our futures with worry, anxiety, and fear - we are equipped to step into the great unknown with confidence and ease knowing that God has always provided what we need and he will continue to do so for the rest of eternity.

3. Compassion. One thing that has become very evident for me over the past few months is that my eyes have been opened to the needs of others. The more I live my life in gratitude, I shift my focus off of my self and onto people that need love and encouragement. The people and relationships in our paths are opportunities to make a tremendous, loving impact. Vincent Van Gogh once said, "There is nothing more truly artistic than to love other people." There is nothing more beautiful and comforting than being loved by another person. These interactions enrich our relationships and strengthen the bond of community.

4. Trust. Throughout my life, I have struggled with being vulnerable and open. It's my nature to protect myself and take control of my life. Trust opens us up to the present moment, allowing us to embrace a sense of grounding and safety.

5. Peace. Gratitude establishes us. It gives us an ease that goes beyond our understanding. The more we feel gratitude, the more we experience true peace.


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