Yin Yoga: Spring Detox


The last couple of days in Texas have been really warm. The sun has been shining, birds chirping, and trees starting to bloom. Even though our weather is pretty unpredictable with random cold fronts this time of year, I am so encouraged at the signs of spring. I taught this sequence on Monday after one of those sweet springtime days. After a cold winter, it is important to clear the weeds and work to detox the body. In my opinion it's a good idea to detox in a lot of ways. Cleaning out closets, getting your schedule organized, revamp your diet, and get a consistent exercise regimen. If yoga is your primary form of exercise, get a good mix of yin/yang based classes for the utmost benefit. Here is a yin sequence to nourish the digestive system and release stress in the hips and spine.

Intention: Accept what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be. (Sonia Ricotti)

*The times to stay in poses are just suggestions. Feel free to take what you need from each pose. Always honor what feels best in your body and make sure that you are able to breathe easily and fully in each pose.

1. Wide Leg Fold/Straddle Pose (5 minutes)

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Counter Pose: Bend knees and bring feet to the mat a little wider than hips distance. Begin to drop the knees to the right and left "windshield wiper-ing" the legs.

2. Frog Pose (4 minutes)

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Counter Pose: Childs pose with knees together.

3. Thread the Needle Pose (3 minutes each side)

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 presetProcessed with VSCOcam with f2 preset4. Melting Heart Pose (3 minutes)Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

5. Shoelace Pose

a. Get legs set up. Begin with your left leg on top, right on bottom. You can keep the bottom leg extended forward if bending both knees does not work for you.

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b. Lateral stretches (5 breaths each side)

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c. Folded Twist: With your left leg on top, take a deep inhale to lengthen the crown of the head up, spine long. As you exhale take the right hand to the left thigh and the left hand behind you to support you like a kick stand. Take a couple deep breaths here.

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 presetOnce you feel balanced here, begin to drop down the hands to the earth and fold. Allow your head and neck to relax. Stay here for one minute.

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Begin to lift yourself up, and to counter the deep twist, fold to the other side for a few breaths so the spine feels neutral.

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d. Come back up to neutral and begin to fold forward (2 minutes). If folding forward is too much pressure, you can take the pose on your back (see bottom photo).

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6. Twisted Roots (keeping legs as they are or reclined twist of your choosing). Drop knees over to the right, gaze to the left. (3 minutes)

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**Hug knees to chest and then press yourself back up to seated. Repeat shoelace pose/stretches and supine twist on other side**

7. Supported Bridge Pose (with a block or anything that will substitute at home - like I had to, haha.) (3 minutes)

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8. Savasana (however you feel most comfortable!) (5 minutes)

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YIN | Kidney Meridian


The Blessing of Gratitude.