There is much goodness packed into the life-giving practice of yin yoga. This site is is devoted to this beautifully introspective practice into stillness, mind – body – spirit.
Let’s Talk Yin
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Yin + Journaling | for Spring
Journey through the life cycle of a butterfly in this yin sequence...
Pose Breakdown: Cat Pulling Its Tail
Cat pulling its tail is a wonderful twist that stimulates the entire body. There are many variations...
Teaching Yin | The Art of Verbal Cueing
Verbal cueing from the teacher can make or break a yoga experience for the student...
Pose Breakdown: Bananasana
Banana pose in yin yoga is a great stretch for the side body...
The Power of "Om" | Music Therapy and Yoga
Yoga has been an integral part of my life for the past 7 years. It has been my gateway into more rigorous and daily exercise, a coping mechanism for stress and anxiety...
YIN SEQUENCE | Transformation of the Butterfly
Journey through the life cycle of a butterfly in this yin sequence...
MyoYin Sequence | Winter
Practice yin yoga with myofascial release in this winter themed sequence.