Yin Yoga | Blanket Sequence
I'm forever grateful for the influential role B.K.S. Iyengar played in introducing the incorporation of yoga props into the practice. I love that there are no rules with props, no "right" or "wrong" way to use them. They are just there for your individual, day-by-day needs. When it comes to yin, props are a huge part of keeping the body stable, comfortable and safe.Today, I am focusing on the use of blankets in a yin sequence. You can use any kind of blankets really, so grab what you have and set aside an hour or so for yourself to practice.Recline on BlanketMY PLAYLISTReclined | Sukhasana or Butterfly legs (5 min)
Butterfly Pose (5 min) Wiper Twist (5 breaths) - Belly Twist (4 min)
- Repeat Wiper Twist and Belly Twist on the other side before moving on - Head to Knee Pose (3 min) - Lizard (5 min) - Half/Full Split (5 min)
- Repeat Head to Knee to Splits on the other side before moving on - Childs Pose (3 min)
Reclined Hero Pose ( 5 min)
Savasana (7 min)