Yin Yoga for Gratitude - Full-length class!

Hello world!

I know it's been a couple of months and I just want to say I miss sharing with you! So I have good news - I'm going to start a new series of posts on meridian focused sequences. The first of which will be on the blog next week and related to the Kidney meridians (and we will also target the Liver). So keep an eye out! I just finished a 50-hour yin training with Bernie Clark of yinyoga.com and it was truly phenomenal. I highly recommend his trainings and utilizing his books and website as resources.  I'm eager to let the information sink in a bit more so I can share with you all via my webinars and classes.

As always, it would be a true pleasure to have you for this special class. Anytime is a good time to practice gratitude, but as we are moving into Thanksgiving week here in the US - I thought it was a good time to offer something specific!

Be on the lookout for more content - coming soon!

All my best,

Looking for a great timer for yin? I use this one and love the subtle vibration setting for both teaching and home practice.


Yin | Kidney + Liver Meridian Sequence


Yin Sequence for Tired Days