Mid-Week Yin Sequence

Hey friends!Happy Friday to each of you. I hope your week is coming to a nice close so we can get this weekend started.Here's a yin sequence and meditation that I led on Wednesday during my mid-week meditation. It was great having those of you that made it tune in for that![youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNKmyPqtRqM]Here's the breakdown of the sequence...Childs Pose (2-3 min)Table top movements. Anything that feels organic. (1 min)Puppy/Melted Heart Pose (2 min)Counter: Angry Cat pose (3 breaths)Wide Legged Dragon (2 min)Pigeon/Swan Pose (2 min)Counter: Seated Twist (1 min)*repeat dragon - twist on the other side*Supported Bridge (2-3 min)

Meditation Mantra"I am here. I am alive. I am present. I am very truly blessed."


Yin Yoga Video + Written Sequence for the Stomach Meridian


Yin Sequence for Zapping Tired Energy